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Sunday, January 9, 2011


     Somedays are just not GREAT days. Why can't everyday feel like it's the best day ever?! If you suffer from days like today where things don't turn out the way you wanted them to, or you're just in a shitty mood...I've figured out some ways to make your day a bit more promising!


#1- If you're a woman, putting on a cute outfit, styling your hair, and putting on some make-up can make your inner self feel happier just by fixing up your outer self! A little confidence boost can really give you a boost on your happy meter! If you're a man, maybe putting on a nice outfit or clothes that make you feel good can also lift your spirits! Try styling your hair, (if you have hair), or maybe shaving or trimming your goatee, mustache, or beard, (if that applies to you), can brighten your day! If you've ever gone for a haircut, went shopping for new clothes, or maybe had your make-up done by a professional, you'll notice that all of those things are making your outer appearance more lovely than they already are, and in doing so makes you FEEL more lovelier inside! 

#2- Do something you enjoy! If you have a hobby or maybe just something you like to do, but don't seem to have the time for it...make time! A hobby by definition is: an activity pursued for pleasure rather than money. It is not a job, though if you have a career, I'm sure you enjoy your "job" then. Make time for your favorite hobby! It will bring joy to a day that hasn't been up to your happy standards! 

#3- Go to your favorite place that can always bring a smile to your face! =) A spot in your home, outside in nature, a restaurant, a library, the mall...anywhere that brings sunshine to your life! A surrounding that you know doesn't ever make you feel down would be the ideal place to visit! 

#4- Be with people who can make you laugh about a bad day! Call up a family member or friend to talk over your troubles, meet up with a friend or a group of friends, or hang out with your family. One person who has uplifting words can truly make your bad day turn into a good day! 

#5- Think happy thoughts!! Being a Negative Nancy won't fix anything! If your having a terrible day, and all you keep thinking about is how awful your day is going....the only thing you're going to attract are awful things! Sometimes bad things can happen that are out of our control. But what we feel on the inside is in our control! Think positively, think about good things that can come your way, and you will see how quickly your day can turn around! If your thoughts are of pleasant things, and you have a happy, friendly will attract happy, friendly people as well as pleasant circumstances! 

    I hope these FIVE WAYS TO MAKE YOUR DAY BETTER work for you on a bad day you wish to make a happy day! 
    Sending you happy vibes from my blog to yours....
                                                                                        XOXO Jennifer

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